Tuesday, June 30, 2015

#CMWorld Infographic: 12 Marketing Box-Office Titans Share Tips For Creating Blockbuster Content Marketing

Content Marketing World Infographic Header

There’s a special kind of magic to behind-the-scenes photos from movie sets. You can see how a team of special effects wizards transforms a toy model into a spaceship hurtling towards an alien planet, or a lifeless doll into a skyscraper-climbing giant gorilla. Knowing how the trick is done somehow makes the finished product even more satisfying. That’s especially true if you’re a kid with a camera trying to bring your own dreams to the silver screen.

In the newest eBook series co-produced by TopRank Marketing and Content Marketing Institute, we asked content marketing wizards to take us behind-the-scenes and show us how they make their own brand of magic. Their advice is inspiring to anyone who wants to create great content that connects with an audience.

The infographic below contains content marketing tips from the entire eBook triple feature and features 12 of the speakers from the upcoming Content Marketing World conference. Let their expert advice inspire you to create your own blockbuster content marketing.

Here are some tweetable takeaways from the infographic:

Sarah C- 062815
Sarah Compagnoni: “Great content marketing strategy starts well before anyone clicks a link.” @SarahCompagnoni tweet this

j moat
James Moat: “The power of employees generating & sharing content is a greatly undervalued strategy.” @digecomm tweet this

b clark
Brian Clark:
“Put yourself in the customers’ shoes to experience the content marketing journey from their perspective.” @brianclark tweet this

cleve g
Cleve Gibbon: “
Be clear on what you need to say & why it’s relevant to your audience at that point in their lives.” @cleveg tweet this

a handley 62815
Ann Handley:
“Your story is the thing that sets your content marketing apart. What’s your story? And how do you tell it?” @annhandley tweet this

j rohrs 62815
Jeffrey Rohrs:
“Scene stealing content marketing is sales activated, marketing promoted, optimized & reported.” @jkrohrs tweet this

a higgins 62815
Amy Higgings:
“Before publishing content, follow a launch plan checklist to make sure you haven’t left out steps.” @amywhiggins tweet this

k wincko 62815
Ken Wincko:
“Successful content needs to be the 3 C’s: Credible, Compelling, & Consistent.” @KenWincko tweet this

Lee Odden:
“For content marketing success, make all content accountable & measurable to attract, engage, & convert.” @leeodden tweet this

Todd Wheatland:
“Link content marketing strategy to results by using a repeatable process & collecting the measurements that matter, in real-time.” @ToddWheatland tweet this

Julie Fleischer:
“Content marketing success starts by first determining what critical measurements drive spending decisions.” @jfly tweet this

jpulizzi - 0619
Joe Pulizzi:
“If you’re trying to measure the value of your content marketing, create a subscription program.” @joepulizzi tweet this

View the Full Infographic Feature

Experience the entire thrill-a-minute eBook trilogy on-demand:

The Big Picture of Content Marketing Strategy

Making Content Marketing the Star of Your Marketing

Measuring Content Marketing Box Office Success

For more information on the speakers and their sessions, check out the Content Marketing World 2015 website.

See you at the movies!

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© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2015. | #CMWorld Infographic: 12 Marketing Box-Office Titans Share Tips For Creating Blockbuster Content Marketing | http://www.toprankblog.com

The post #CMWorld Infographic: 12 Marketing Box-Office Titans Share Tips For Creating Blockbuster Content Marketing appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

The Long Term Value of an Email Marketing Welcome Programme

From making a guest feel at home when they visit for the first time to solidifying a new business relationship with a firm handshake, a warm welcome is essential for any relationship to get off on the right foot.

A warm welcome is also crucial for the email marketing environment; just as you wouldn’t ignore a customer entering a store, an email marketer shouldn’t forget to say hello when a shopper signs up to receive the brand’s emails.

At our most recent User Forum (a series of events where we bring Oracle Marketing Cloud customers together to learn from one another), we found that 66% of the brands in the room had a welcome programme that they were constantly reviewing. In order to ensure engagement amongst customers, brands need to analyse whether their welcome programme is effective. For example, if they offer just one welcome email and it’s not generating engagement, it’s likely that a brand will need to add more communication – for many customers it takes more than one piece of great content for them to start clicking.

For example, Missguided’s ‘Welcome Campaign’ consists of a series of personalised emails in the first week after joining Missguided’s database and is activated by sign-up information. The online fashion brand needed to stand out from the competition and welcoming in new audiences, as well as keeping customers engaged between purchase cycles through personalisation, was a highly effective way of doing that.

Oracle Marketing Cloud helped Missguided to implement intelligent and targeted automated marketing so that they could capitalise on sales opportunities at each stage of the customer lifecycle and boost engagement rates. This personalisation ranged from targeting new customers with the variety of welcome emails based on segmentation to offering discounts and incentives around the customer’s birthday. This targeted marketing technique increased the click-rate by 133% for Missguided, and as a result, email conversion rates increased by 298%.

Using data and this trigger-based approach, brands can create tailored welcome programmes that build a strong ongoing relationship with the customer. However, to do this successfully good data hygiene is also essential. For example, as customers sign up to an email mailing list, the brand can implement validation to ensure that the data being captured is accurate. This ensures that the relationships starts without any errors and means that the seeds are sown for a long-lasting brand affiliation.

For example, if a customer doesn’t receive the email they think they’ve signed up to they could get frustrated with the brand. Similarly, a typo can mean a brand misses an opportunity to generate sales from a new customer, but this can also damage their reputation as a sender amongst ISPs as they will receive bounce backs. Adding additional steps into the validation process means that brands can ensure they have the right customer details, enabling them to protect their brand reputation and engage with the right prospects.

Brands need to review their active user base and use their welcome programme to kick-start the customer relationship successfully from the first email interaction. To do this, brands should also look to understand channel preferences. For example, if the customer signed up through Facebook, the welcome programme should acknowledge this and then the brand should look to serve social content. This helps to create a seamless cross-channel experience and shows that the brand has understood the customer’s personal preferences.

First impressions are everything; remind a customer why they signed up to hear from your brand regularly and provide targeted content to drive long term brand loyalty. In a crowded retail market, service is a huge differentiator; if customers have a bad experience of a brand they are unlikely to return. Every email communication with the customer should be valuable; a strong welcome programme means your relationship starts positively, and when followed up with relevant and engaging content, that relationship has much greater potential to grow.

For email marketing inspiration be sure to download our Look Book 2015: a visual guide to the industry’s best branding and marketing campaigns of the year.

How to Leverage News Stories on Social Media

How to Leverage News Stories on Social Media written by Alex Boyer read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing

photo credit: Supreme Court via photopin (license)

photo credit: Supreme Court via photopin (license)

Social media has revolutionized the way people talk about news and major events. Really, it is just natural. When you hear about an interesting event or news story, what do you want to do? Most want to share the news with their friends and family, maybe even share their opinion. Over the past few years, people have turned to social media.

As a result, there is a huge spike in social media usage around major cultural events. This includes breaking news stories, major sporting events, really anything that spurs discussion.

For instance, the Supreme Court of the United States just recently ruled that same-sex marriage is legal across the entire United States for the first time. Social media users flocked to their favorite platforms to share their opinions. This is the activity chart for the week of the decision. The decision came on Friday, and you can see Facebook use increase exponentially.

For businesses and brands, this is marketing gold. They want to take advantage of the increased social media usage to try and get their message in front of as many people as possible. Unfortunately, these spikes are fleeting, and so businesses have to act quickly, and sometimes acting too quickly opens your business up for mistakes. Here’s how to leverage breaking news and events on social media.

Think Ahead

A lot of cultural events are scheduled. The Super Bowl, America’s largest sporting event, is always on the first Sunday of February and the teams are determined 2 weeks in advance. You can plan for both possible outcomes, and you’ll know when there will be the most attention on social media. Try to plan ahead whenever possible.

…But Not Too Far Ahead

While it is okay to think of a plan for scheduled events, it is never a good idea to schedule or automate your social posts in advance. You don’t know what could happen during the event that may affect the way your customers interpret the post. Be sure to give yourself a chance to re-evaluate your plan before posting.

Don’t get too cute

Most brands that get themselves into trouble posting during newsworthy events usually do so because they are trying to get too cute or use humor that some may find offensive. It is okay to keep it simple. You can mention an event and express your opinion and/or support without resorting to humor. This will mean you can take advantage of the spike in traffic to the social media sites without risking offense to a portion of your customer base.

Sometimes it’s okay not to post

This is probably the biggest tip of advice I can give you. Not every news story has to be commented upon by your business and brand, and your customers don’t expect you to say anything. Sometimes it is best to stay silent. When thinking about posting about an event, think about your brand and your strategy. If you don’t think a post will help you achieve your branding goals, you probably shouldn’t post.

For instance, a local plumber is considering posting about the success of the local baseball team. This plays into their strategy because it increases the use of their hometown in their social posts, which can help in their search rankings. In this case, it is a great idea to post. But most political news stories won’t necessarily improve the plumber’s desired branding. In these cases, further evaluation may be necessary before posting. It may be best just to stay silent.

The spike in social media usage during major events is too significant to ignore, but acting without strategy or a goal can actually be a negative for your business. Take the time to evaluate the issue or event before posting, and think about the potential consequences of your post before hitting send.

Is there a particular news story or event that your business posted about that got your page more engagement and more visitors? Tell me your story in the comments below.

Alex-Boyer-Photo-150x150-e1420769709443Alex Boyer is a Community Manager and Content Ninja for Duct Tape Marketing. You can connect with him on Twitter @AlexBoyerKC.

How to Squeeze Every Drop of Valuable Visitor Data from Your Forms (Without Complicated Programming)

It’s the great marketing catch-22: You need visitor data in order to create value-filled, personalized, highly targeted offers. The more information they provide, the greater your ability to build personas that fit your ideal customers.

But your visitors still aren’t convinced. Like jittery fish, you’ve presented them with the tastiest bait, and they’re hesitant to even take a nibble. So how can you get the information you need without scaring them off?

The answer is…

Progressive profiling.

What is Progressive Profiling?

Progressive profiling uses dynamic form fields to ask for and collect information on prospects based on the information you already have about them. Like a first date, it gets to know new customers in a way that’s gentle and unassuming. What’s your name? What’s the best email address to contact you at? How can I help?

Then, as the customer’s interaction with your product or service continues and greater trust and brand recognition is built, more questions are asked – helping you not just capture leads, but build on the intelligence you’ve gained.

Progressive profiling may start with name, email and question, but can gradually lead to vital details that will help you better understand where your prospect is in the buying cycle: are they evaluating products? Comparing features? Focused on pricing?

Asking questions about their timeframe to purchase and where they are in the decision-making process can help you better understand how and where your product fits according to their needs. Understanding how they plan to use the product can give you valuable insights into tailoring your offer across every stage, leveraging the information you already have about them.

How Does It Work?

Let’s say you sell a product and you have an email newsletter filled with valuable tips and techniques on using it. As is often the case, your prospective customer is asked for their name and email address. Simple enough, right?


They subscribe and get their first couple of newsletters. They’re starting to feel comfortable with your brand and enjoy what they’re getting so far. Here’s where the progressive part comes in. You’ve got another freebie for them – you just need a bit more information about how they plan on using your product, when they plan to purchase, and approximately how much they plan to spend.

Since you don’t need their name and email address again, the form simply asks the relevant questions you’ve set up. This information helps you gradually begin to understand this customer based on how much they’re willing to share as your relationship with them progresses.


Obviously you’ll want to space these out and give as much as you get – take the time to answer questions, clarify features and options, and so on. Don’t expect the customer to be receptive to answering personal questions by day 2.

Don’t Forget Your Best Practices

In addition, you’re not going to want to throw best form practices out the window when implementing progressive profiling. Things like:

Being Clear about What Information is Needed (And How It Should Be Presented)

credit card threadless

This example from Threadless tells customers precisely how to enter their payment information.

Explaining, if Necessary, Why Certain Information is Needed

The example below, from Money Supermarket tells people why they need the registration number of their car.


Source: eConsultancy

Make sure your reasoning is reasonable – Money Supermarket could have said, “We need your information to help get you an accurate quote”, but it still wouldn’t answer the prospect’s why? The fact that they need it to find that same exact car and get you a quote is much more sensible.

What Happens After They Subscribe?

And finally, don’t forget to be clear about what happens after the sign up process is complete. How can they download the freebie? How often will they receive email newsletters? Can they unsubscribe or change the frequency? And so on.


BufferApp sets newsletter expectations before asking for subscribers’ info

How Can You Implement Progressive Profiling?

Progressive profiling is a relatively new function, but there are a variety of solutions on the market that make integrating it into forms easy and hassle-free. Oftentimes, you can do this without any programming knowledge at all. Here are a few services that offer Progressive Profiling as part of their systems:

Salesforce Pardot


Adds a progressive profiling feature that ties in with your existing use of Salesforce Pardot



HubSpot refers to progressive profiling form capabilities as “Smart Forms” and provides a variety of best practices you can follow when implementing them.



As with other services, Act-On lets you define a set of rules for which other form fields will display. The site also provides an example tour through how its Progressive Profiling system works.



An example of the JumpLead dashboard

JumpLead is a sort of marketing automation/lead generation platform of which progressive profiling forms play a role. Like many of these other solutions, they offer a full scale of marketing automation tools. For WordPress users, JumpLead also has a plugin that can integrate progressive profiling into their existing WordPress system.

How to Get the Best Possible Results from Your New Progressive Forms

It’s easy to fall into the tempting trap of asking for more and more information through more and more form fields as your relationship with the prospect progresses. However, small bits over time (and depending on the customer’s stage in the product’s overall lifecycle, as well as their buying cycle) will help foster a reciprocal relationship while giving them the personal attention and nurturing they crave.

And don’t forget, progressive profiling is just one tool of many designed to help improve your forms and increase your conversion rates. As with any tool, it’s not a silver bullet – it’s all in how you use it. By making progressive profiling a part of your overall sales and conversion optimization process rather than looking at it as “yet another form component”, you’ll be poised to start forming lucrative customer relationships built on a foundation of mutual trust, understanding and expectations.

Now It’s Your Turn

Are you using progressive profiling in your own lead generation forms? How has it worked out for you so far? Share your success stories and triumphs with us, as well as your thoughts on this unique practice in the comments below!

About the Author: Sherice Jacob helps business owners improve website design and increase conversion rates through compelling copywriting, user-friendly design and smart analytics analysis. Learn more at iElectrify.com and download your free web copy tune-up and conversion checklist today!

The 5 Stages of Blog Growth: How Your Traffic Tactics Should Change as You Grow

blog stages

If you know exactly what you’re doing, you can build a blog that gets over 100,000 visitors per month in less than year—from scratch.

Chances are, however, you don’t know exactly what you need to do to achieve that, but that’s okay.

The fact that you’re here and ready to learn means that one day, you will know what you need to do to create a fully sustainable business from your blog.

Another factor is the time it takes. Some of you may be able to build a thriving blog in a year, while others may take two, three, or even five years.

During this journey, your blog will progress through five distinct stages:

  1. Blog creation
  2. Initial growth: finding your 100 “true fans”
  3. Scaling up your traffic
  4. Reaping the rewards
  5. Maintaining your success

In this article, I’ll outline the five stages of blog growth to help you understand where you’re today and how far you have left to go. 

Stage 1: Your blog is born

Expected time to complete: Less than two weeks.

When you read most blogs on creating an online business and online marketing, the sexy parts involve hundreds of thousands of visitors and profit.


But traffic and profit are the result; your foundation is the cause of those results. Figuring out the important details of your blog isn’t always easy, but without a solid foundation, you can’t build a skyscraper.

There are four things you need to do in this preparatory phase.

Even if you already have a blog, you may benefit from going over these things again and improving them if you skipped them before.

1. Define your niche

This is the first step—the step where most blog owners fail. It is crucial to know who is going to benefit from your content.

In other words: who do you want to serve?

You don’t need to know how you’re going to do it yet. The products you will make, the content you will create, and your traffic generating methods don’t matter yet. The audience you want to help comes first.

You need to be able to state what type of people you’re trying to serve and be as specific as possible. It’s better to be too specific than too general as you can always expand later.

For example, you may want to serve office workers who want to learn how to eat healthy at work.

Here are 124 niche case studies, both good and bad.

2. Create a reader persona

Now that you know the people you want to serve, you need to learn more about them.

In order to create content that actually helps them, you must understand who they are, how they act, and what they struggle with.

You can learn about your target audience in many ways, for example:

  • in-person conversations
  • demographic sites like Alexa and SEMrush

By the end of your research, you should know your target audience’s:

  • age
  • gender
  • job
  • hobbies
  • beliefs
  • values

You can even give your reader persona a name. Note that all of these have to be as specific as possible. For instance, 25-35 years old isn’t an age, it’s a range. Pick one age that accurately describes your ideal reader.


In the end, you want to have one specific person in mind you can write for. This will help you create content that resonates with your readers.

3. Create your blog

If you’re going to build a blog-based business, you will at some point need a functional blog.

Unless you need some really unique features, I recommend sticking with WordPress for now. It’s the simplest option to get you up and running, and you can always redesign the blog in the future. Here’s how to install WordPress—it’s pretty simple.

Alternatively, if you’re already running your site on a platform like HubSpot, it might be even easier for you to create a blog.

What I don’t advise you do is go out and spend thousands of dollars on a custom CMS or design. The first version of any blog isn’t going to be perfect, and it’s going to change a lot down the line.

Focus on getting a simple, functional, and not completely ugly blog up and running as fast as possible. Don’t waste weeks or months trying to make everything look perfect.

4. Discover where your readers hang out

Before you can even attempt to draw your target audience to your blog, you have to figure out where they spend their time.

Note that in some niches, you may have to get offline and go to conventions or local meetings to connect with your target audience and get them on your site.

To start with, find the most popular blogs in your niche. The easiest ways to do this is by Googling “top [your general niche] blogs.”


Create a spreadsheet to keep track of these sites. In one column, indicate if the blog allows comments, and in another, if it allows guest posts. To check for guest posts, Google “[domain name] guest post.”


Go through any big lists of blogs, and visit each one individually. Look for signs of high traffic such as several comments on each blog post or a lot of social shares.

Add the best ones to your list. You want to identify blogs that your reader persona visits so that you can eventually get them over to your site. Ideally, you want to identify as many as you can, but at least 50. If you’re having trouble getting that many, think broader, e.g., “best health sites” instead of “best nutrition sites.”

After blogs, it’s time to check out forums in your niche. Again, search for “[your general niche]+ forum,” and go through the results on the first few pages.


If you find forums you believe your target audience visits regularly, record them in a separate section of your spreadsheet. Note the number of members, or active members, to indicate activity and popularity.

Forums typically aren’t big enough to use as a main traffic strategy at any point, but they can help you refine your reader persona and can be used for certain promotion tactics.

Stage 2: Finding your 100 true fans

Expected time to complete: Less than four months.

Back in 2008, Kevin Kelly coined a concept called 1,000 true fans. It really took off when Seth Godin started referencing it in his advice.

In short, he described how anyone could make a great living if they interacted with and had support from 1,000 true fans.

This article was written in the context of being a musician or an artist, but the same applies to most small businesses. A relatively small group of loyal readers can make your business a big enough success to allow you to become a full-time blogger (if you aren’t already).

If you have a new blog, going from zero to 1,000 is a big leap. Too big, in my opinion, and unnecessary.

A better goal is to gather 100 true fans.

When you first begin a blog, you’re starting at zero. No matter how well you research your target audience, you’re going to make mistakes. The problem here is that no one will tell you what mistakes you’re making—at least not yet.

As long as you defined your target audience well enough, you will have the ability to attract your first 100 fans (although it could take a while). These fans will play an instrumental role in the growth of your blog.

Loyal readers will comment on posts and respond to emails. They will tell you when something resonates with them through comments and feedback. They will also tell you when they don’t like something either through a comment, email, or silence.

If you have 100 high quality subscribers and still can’t get any comments or email replies, the problem isn’t the subscribers: it’s your content.

In reality, you’ll likely fall somewhere in between perfect resonance and radio silence. On some posts, you’ll get a lot of engagement (say 10-15 comments from your 100 fans), while others will only get one or two.

Use this feedback to tweak your reader persona and craft content that helps this updated persona. That’s when you’ll start seeing consistent resonance and more rapid growth of subscribers.

So, where are we right now?

You have a brand new blog but no audience (or a very small one). This is your main challenge. You need to get your first 100 fans.

In addition, you have a ton to do. You need to create content, build relationships, create more content, promote your content, and more. But you’re likely the only one who can do it since your blog isn’t producing any revenue.

You need to spend your time wisely. That’s why I’m going to tell you the optimal strategies that you should use to get your first 100 true fans.

Optimal strategy #1: Guest-posting

The core of your initial traffic strategy should be guest-posting. The most common places that your target audience hang out at are likely other blogs (in most niches).

You need to find popular blogs that have a huge audience. A small portion of this audience will be your target audience. You can then attempt to get these readers to subscribe to your site through a guest post. Guest-posting is an important strategy for blogs of all sizes.


One common mistake people make that you may also make is to try to write any guest post that you think will be popular on a site. However, even if the guest post becomes popular and sends you a lot of subscribers, they might not be the right ones that you want to build your blog and business around.

Instead, find a topic that you think will do well on the blog you’re guest-posting on, but angle it towards your target reader.

For example, if I were writing a guest post on Forbes (which I regularly do), I wouldn’t write a general article on the current state of the economy. Although it might become popular, I would rather write a slightly less popular article about how the recent economy problems affect your business’ marketing plan, or something along those lines.

Always remember that your goal at this stage is to find that small group of 100 true fans and get them to your site. Attract their attention first and foremost before considering the rest of a traffic source’s audience.

Here is everything you need to know about getting results from guest-posting:

Optimal strategy #2: Create the right type of content for your blog

As I’ve already noted, your time is extremely limited. While it might be ideal to pump out a ton of content to get your blog rolling, it’s not the most important thing.

Right now, you have very few (if any) visitors. You don’t need to continuously create content because no one’s reading it.

It’s better to spend time trying to get traffic from other sources before creating a high volume of posts on your own blog.

That being said, you do need some content on your blog, but some types of content are better than others. Writing an opinion post is going to be a waste of time: why would anyone care what you think at this point? That’s not an insult—it’s a fact. You need to build up your expert reputation before writing a post like that.

But certain types of content can work well at this stage. In particular, you should create a few posts that can attract quality backlinks and help you build relationships with influencers. If you do it right, it might even result in some decent targeted traffic.

These magical content types are:

  • roundup posts
  • ego bait posts
  • “poster boy” posts

You probably already know what link roundups are. You ask several influencers in a niche the same question and then publish the results. Some influencers will comment on the post, link to it, and share on social media.

Ego bait describes a wide range of posts. Essentially, you want to appeal to the ego of an influencer or company with a large following. Make them look good by showing that their advice solved a problem for you or someone else. Let them know you created the post, and maybe they will link to it.

Finally, you can use the “poster boy” formula. It’s a lot like ego bait, but it takes the tactic to the next level. Find a few particular influencers, and find a particular piece of strategy or technique advice from them.

Then, implement that advice and track the results. Create a case study of your results that make the influencer look amazing. This will lead the influencer to keep linking to your case study as evidence of their awesomeness.

This last tactic is a lot of work, but it produces results. Bryan Harris was able to get over 400 subscribers with this technique on a new blog.


Optimal strategy #3: Paid traffic

If you have more money than time to invest in your business, paid traffic is a way to accelerate your growth.

That being said, it’s completely optional. Many successful blogs never use paid ads, while many other successful blogs do it at one point or another.

The big benefit of paid ads is that despite having no existing traffic base, you can create an audience. It can get expensive, especially if you’re new to using paid advertising. It’s very important that you spend some time improving your email opt-in rate before blowing through thousands of dollars.

Here are some of the best resources on using paid traffic to build a blog’s audience:

Optimal strategy #4: Develop social media presence

Last but not least, you have to attend to social media.

Popular social media platforms have boatloads of traffic, and the most popular ones—Facebook and Twitter—almost definitely contain your target audience.

The problem is that any good social media strategy takes time to work. If you’re going to use social media, you have to be prepared to consistently use your chosen platform for months before it starts to pay off with some decent traffic.

If you’re really set on using social media to funnel traffic to your site, you can speed it up by using paid traffic. As I’ve shown on the nutrition site case study, paid ads on Facebook are relatively cheap and can help you build an authoritative page quickly.

I don’t recommend using social media as a primary traffic strategy unless you’re willing to continually invest in it. However, you can still identify one or two channels to start building while you focus on other traffic generation methods.

What about SEO?

If you know me well, you know how much I love SEO and benefit from it. But aside from building authoritative links when you get the chance, you shouldn’t focus on it very much at the beginning.

Gaining the authority and trust from search engines takes several months of publishing high quality content. You should start seeing some real organic search traffic after about a year, and that’s when you can shift more of your focus toward SEO.

Stage 3: Attracting swarms of fans—scaling up

Expected time to complete: 8-24 months

Now that you know almost exactly what your audience needs help with and wants, it’s time to kick your traffic growth efforts into overdrive.

Although you will be growing much faster than you did during the last stage, this will take time too.

Look at the NeilPatel.com blog as an example. I began the blog at the very end of September 2014. In the month of May, 2015, my traffic grew to 63,827 visitors—that took about eight months.


Consider that it took me eight months to grow to this point even with my experience and personal brand. Additionally, I’m still in the process of scaling up the traffic to that blog, which means it falls into this stage.

At this point, you have some traffic and a good idea of your target audience. Your main challenge now is starting to create great content on a regular basis. In addition, your time is still limited.

Optimal strategy #1: Continue with your traffic-building strategies 

Since now you have to spend more time on content creation, you will have less time to spend on getting traffic from other sources. Nevertheless, you need to continue your traffic strategies from Stage 2.

Although you may have 100 true fans, your rate of growth will be too slow if you solely depend on those fans to spread the word. Instead, as you gain traffic during this stage, start spending more and more time on creating and promoting content on your own blog.

Optimal strategy #2: Create a content schedule

In the previous stage, you started creating content for your blog. Now, it’s necessary to do it on a regular basis. Think about not just those specific types of posts that we looked at but any type of content your true fans may enjoy.

You need to decide how often you want to post and what you will be writing about.

A thorough content calendar will help you plan out content for up to a year in advance. At this point, you’re still getting a lot feedback from your 100 true fans. I’d recommend planning your content for only a few weeks or months so that it can be adjusted based on the feedback you receive.

Once you achieve consistent resonance, you can plan your content schedule as far in advance as you’d like.


Optimal strategy #3: Start considering monetization

Traffic is nice, but the end goal should always be to produce revenue.

If you’re selling a service, e.g., offering consulting, you can do this early on with no issues. It doesn’t take a lot of time to create a simple landing page. Put a link to it in your menu, and drop it in your emails to subscribers when appropriate.


The long-term goal of your blog may be to sell a product. If you already have a product, you can start selling it during this phase and put some time into improving your conversion rate.

If you don’t have a product, now is a great time to start paying attention to the major pains of your audience so that you can create a product around them. Most products take months to create, so the farther you can plan ahead, the better.

Stage 4: Reap the rewards—getting paid

Expected time to complete: three to six months

The line between Stages 3 and 4 is often blurred. Once you develop a sizable audience (most go with 5,000-10,000 subscribers), you need to monetize your blog as soon as possible. At the same time, you need to keep growing and continuing to do all the growth strategies described in Stage 3.

Optimal strategy #1: Focus on monetization

“Why does it always have to be about the money?”

I know that you might feel like I’m telling you to be greedy by advising to monetize as soon as possible, but it’s the opposite of that.

At this point, you have tens of thousands of visitors a month (at least!).

If you don’t monetize your blog, how can you continue to serve your visitors well? You can’t invest in better content, and you can’t respond to all emails or comments any more. One person can’t service an audience of thousands.

If you really have zero time available to create a product, know that once you have a sizable audience, you will be approached regularly for joint ventures (JV).

Essentially, the other party will create the product; you provide the audience to sell it to; and you split the profit. Don’t immediately accept the first JV offer. Take your time, and only work with someone you trust and respect to provide as much value for your audience as possible.

Finally, you can always promote other reputable affiliate offers if you feel that you’re not quite ready to create your own product.

Optimal strategy #2: Hire

Now that you are deriving some income from the blog, you can start getting some help so that you can continue to help your audience as much as possible.

First, you need to decide which parts of the blog need your attention the most.

Personally, I like to be the one writing my blog’s content (on Quick Sprout and NeilPatel.com), so I can’t outsource that. However, on Crazy Egg’s blog, I’ve hired an editor that has assembled a team of writers to produce content.

Here are the most common areas that blogs usually hire for:

  • product support
  • product development
  • answering simple emails (get a virtual assistant)
  • graphic design (images and infographics for content)
  • web development (for site redesign)
  • content strategy development
  • content writing

Once you’ve identified which parts of your blog require your personal attention, start hiring people to take care of the rest.

Do this slowly, and make sure you’re hiring quality people to help you. It’ll save you a lot of headaches in the long run.

Stage 5: Maintain your position on the Golden Throne

Expected time to complete: hopefully, you stay here forever! (or until you sell)

At this point, you have a full-fledged business.

Your blog should easily be generating enough so that you can focus full-time on it. This is the stage that Quick Sprout has been at for quite some time.

In some niches, you will reach this point faster than others, just due to your specific audience and the size of your market.

But if you just sit on your success, you will lose it. Your business is almost always in a state of growth or decline. Obviously, it’s better to focus on growth than let the results of your hard work wither away.

Your main challenge at this point is to continue producing high quality work in the form of blog content and products. Additionally, you still have limited time to take advantage of all the opportunities now coming your way.

Optimal strategy #1: Keep hiring

If you’re doing things right, your traffic is only going to keep increasing. To keep up your quality standards and to free up time, you will have to find more reliable people to add to your small team.

The hardest thing about maintaining a successful growing business is finding and keeping good people on your team. If you find someone who does their job well, pay them accordingly even if you could get them to work for you for slightly cheaper.

This not only keeps them happy while working, but it prevents them from wanting to leave in the future. Not having to continually find, hire, and train people will save you much more in the long run than saving a few dollars on salaries.

Optimal strategy #2: Automate

The great thing about having a significant amount of revenue coming in is that you no longer have to do things you don’t enjoy. Almost all boring parts of running a blog can be automated, either with a paid tool or an employee/freelancer.


Most hires should be for a specific task. When you hire someone, don’t just leave them to figure out things by themselves.

You need to create easy-to-follow systems that outline what you’d like your employees to do step-by-step. Although initial training will take time, in the long run, it will save you from having to waste time correcting mistakes and changing their work habits to suit yours.

Optimal strategy #3: Be selective

At this point, you are going to get offers to do all sorts of things, including guest-posting and conference appearances.

Since you have very limited time, you need to pick your opportunities carefully. Right now, it’s about getting a little bit more traffic and building your personal brand. Pick the opportunities that will have the most positive impact on your reputation and position as a thought leader in your field.

Optimal strategy #4: SEO

No, I didn’t forget about SEO. By now, your domain has a solid amount of authority and trust, and you should be seeing a significant amount of organic traffic from search engines.

At this point, there are three things you should do:

  1. Evaluate your blog design for optimal “link juice” flow.
  2. Re-evaluate old content, and see if you can optimize for better terms.
  3. Strategically incorporate keywords into your future content.

If you don’t have experience with SEO, you could always hire an expert to help you out, now that you are generating revenue.


The purpose of this post was to give you a clear layout of how a blog-based business grows over time.

Growing a successful blog is not something that can be done quickly.

What I hope you get out of this is that if you use the right tactics at the right time, you will strategically grow your blog and take guessing and luck out of the equation.

You can learn all of the tactics you need on Quick Sprout and the NeilPatel.com blog.

As a final note, never stop learning about your readers and trying to help them. Even though this blog is past the initial stages, I’m still learning how I can serve you better every day through your comments, emails, and viewing habits.

To better understand where you are with your business or blog, I’d appreciate it if you could leave a comment below telling me what stage you’re currently at.