Thursday, April 23, 2015

How To Win At Social Media Marketing From 8am-8pm: Your Timetable

Social media never sleeps, find out how you can fit it all around your day.

Being a Social Media Manager can be stressful - you need to juggle staying on top of trends, whilst creating a longer term strategy. There are so many different tasks to be done - how can you squeeze them all into a 12 hour day? Being successful in your role requires structure, so here is a plan to that will assist you in making your social media marketing a success.

8am: The morning commute

Use this time to check through your social media pages. Bookmark relevant articles you see to tweet about later today, or retweet them there and then. @Econsultancy, @marketingprofs, @CMIContent and @socialmedia2day regularly post interesting marketing articles. Be sure to follow some industry specific accounts too, as they will provide the latest news articles relevant to your organisation.

9am: Arrive at work, check your emails

Time to sift through your emails. Catch up on social media newsletters and trawl through your Google alerts for interesting content to post about, or as inspiration for your next campaign.

9.30am: Sync up with your teams

Catch up with your team and discuss your tasks for the day. What content is coming down the pipe? What other campaigns are going on that you can support socially? Book in some time with a colleague to go over last month’s report and to work on your upcoming campaign.

10.00am: The company blog post is out - time to distribute!

Check with the design team that the social media graphics are ready for the post. Having images with the correct dimensions and resolution is key to creating an attractive page. Ensure that the images follow a theme to create continuity. When you have your images ready, input your social copy into your distribution tool and schedule the messages to go out at optimum times over the next week.

10.30am: Send out the Twitter Tuesday tweets

Compile social posts about content or events to be pushed out on social and email them out weekly to all or a select bunch of your most social colleagues.

Trying to get everybody in your company to get social is no mean feat. Perhaps you could introduce a ‘social tutorial’ into HR’s new starter induction day? A foolproof way to get everyone - not just marketing - talking online (and gather a bit of extra engagement).

11.00am: Research

Your engagement and posts are only useful when targeted at the right people. Use this time to locate industry influencers on Twitter and create a list so that you can engage with them directly. Find out where the action is! Research which hashtags are gaining traction for your upcoming campaign and what LinkedIn Groups have the most active discussions in your industry.

11.30am: Writing social copy

With your newly sourced knowledge, you can start writing some social copy for the next blog post. You can discuss articles you’ve found or start writing copy for the latest campaign you are launching on your social media platforms.

12.30pm: Grab lunch and check social media platforms

Time to check through your platforms again whilst you have your lunch. What conversations are happening today and which can you get involved with later on this afternoon? Have any of your posts gained a lot of attention? Bookmark areas for attention.

1.00pm: Respond to your audience

Now you’ve seen what’s going on, it’s time to start responding. Start by replying to comments and get a conversation going. Check out what your customers are doing online. Share their content, like their statuses, and promote your brand advocates. Their success is your success. Join a few discussions and ensure you engage with target personas and industry influencers. Tools like Talkwalker make this task easier by identifying what the big conversations are and who is having them.

2.00pm: Catch up with other departments

As the one in the know, everyone is keen to learn your social media knowledge. Sometimes you run sessions for the technophobic sales teams - other times you just catch up with customer services to ensure the social tone of voice guidelines are being maintained.

2.30pm: Work on your upcoming campaign

Grab your colleague and start discussing your upcoming campaign. Compare your research and decide what hashtags to use and what to call the campaign. Consider who you are going to target and what you want from your audience.

3.30pm: Scheduling

Set up timing for the first batch of messages for your campaign. Get the ball rolling and schedule a few Tweets or Facebook posts to introduce the idea to your audience. Schedule some social copy around the articles you’ve found - social media should be about entertaining and informing your audience, so offer something other than your own blog post or products.

4.00pm: Reporting

How did your blog post do last week? Did you notice that your Facebook posts were more popular in the morning than in the afternoon? Did you find that tweets with a particular hashtag got a lot more engagement? Pick out what did well (and what didn’t) and make notes for your future campaigns or content plans.

5.30pm: Journey home - walk through your day

Now is the time to go over your tasks and start putting together a plan for tomorrow. It’s also a great time to go through social media marketing blogs such as Buffer and make notes on ideas that inspire you.

7.00pm: Arrive home - back to work

Take half an hour to go through the agenda for your meeting tomorrow. What ideas do you have to bring to the table?

8.00pm: End of the day and feeling inspired.

You’ve been reading tips and tricks all day and, finally, a light bulb has gone off over your head. You scribble down a few ideas for the blog post you’ve been asked to write and some ‘to dos’ for tomorrow, then finally get some rest. After checking Twitter, that is.

Discover more essential tips about effective social media marketing by downloading: Modern Marketing Essentials Guide to Social Marketing

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